Derek Lyons, the owner and operator of Garage Door Guy, began his career as a garage door technician in 2009. Newly married to his wife Regina, Derek accepted an unpaid youth ministry position at a small church in Arizona, and needed a means of support for his new family.
Derek quickly mastered the skills and fell in love with the trade. The idea for Garage Door Guy came to him during his time with this small family-run operation, but the timing was just not right. After five years of on-the-job experience, God brought Derek and Regina to Springfield, MO and he quickly found another garage door technician job.
Almost one year later, in 2015, Derek would finally see his dreams become a reality. With the full support of his loving wife and friends he’d met along the way, Garage Door Guy was finally born.
After five years of steady growth, we purchased and renovated a 3,000 square foot filling station located on the historical Route 66 in Strafford. Newly refurbished, inside and out, our facility was complete with offices, an employee breakroom, and a brand new showroom.
After eight years of opening our doors for business, Garage Door Guy has moved locations to Battlefield, MO. We are the fastest-growing garage door company in the Springfield area, with over 5 employees, a 10,000 square foot warehouse, and 3 technicians.
Garage Door Guy is focused on customer service and creating a great culture for employees to thrive in. We look forward to helping you with anything and everything regarding garage doors, and being a part of your future as well.